
Weekly Demo Contest Total Prize fund $400

Weekly Demo Contest Total Prize fund $400

OctaFX cTrader Weekly demo contest Total Prize fund of $400.The main aim of the competition remains the same while environment changes: trade your cTrader demo account and end the week in highest profit to receive the prize from OctaFX

Link:  OctaFX cTrader Weekly demo contest

Contest Ended Date: 31 December 2016

Contest offer: OctaFX cTrader Weekly demo contest Total Prize fund of $400.

Available to: All new clients

Prize fund of $400 is distributed between five lucky traders:

           1st place winner is awarded with 150 USD

           2nd place winner is awarded with 100 USD

           3rd place winner is awarded with 75 USD

           4th place winner is awarded with 50 USD

           5th place winner is awarded with 25 USD

This time we do not apply any restrictions on the number of winnings you can win in as many rounds as you want and receive your fully withdrawable prize! 

First round of cTrader weekly demo contest starts on October 13! Dont hesitate to register and try out your skills on cTrader platform!

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